Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last blast of the summer

Well this is probably the last HOT weekend of the summer. Sure we will have nice days, even hot days, but there will be the hint of fall in the air, a crispness. I already see the color changes in the trees, the growing grass is slowing, fall is coming. Soon we won't be shopping the farmers market, but we will be shopping the pumpkin patches. I love the summer, not the 110 degree day summer, but the sitting outside in shorts watching the stars shine at midnight summer.
Today is a busy day, we have my son's Kung-Fu graduation, a trip to the library,(a family favorite) and a Bar-B-Q at a friends house, a last blast with a large group of our best friends, our family who means so much to us. A few will be missing, other things on their plate. That's OK they will be with us in our hearts.
Here's to summer,friends,family, and cheese
the creature


  1. I hear ya on the last weekend of summer thing. I was out spraying the lawn furniture letting it dry in todays sunshine before squirreling it away in the garage for the winter. Makes me a little sad...but sort of excited for the winter activities too :)
    Looking forward to seeing you and your redheaded tribe at the BBQ!! *hugsss*

  2. Had a great time with you guys last night :)
    I'm still FULL!!!

  3. Summers seem to pass much more quickly as you get older while winters creep along at an icy crawl!

  4. You can no longer harass me about my lack of blogging!!!
